Makia Oslo hudpleieklinikk offers massage techniques from around the world. We have one of the largest selections of professional massage techniques in Oslo. Therapists from our clinic has long experience and excellent customer references. Our clinic specializes in lash treatments and currently offers four different methods. Makia Oslo hudpleieklinikk specializes in waxing and uses only high quality wax and sugar paste. Our therapists have the education and experience necessary to make you feel safe. All this to make the experience safer and more comfortable. Also, offers professional system for permanent hair removal based on a complex of active plant constituents. We have therefore expanded our range of manicure and pedicure treatments. We offer among other regular manicure and pedicure with lacquer, French manicure, Japanese manicure, nail art and spa treatments including paraffin for extra smooth feet and hands. We also have a wide range of colors, both Shellac treatments and Gelish treatments.

Salon Szał Ciał
Szał Ciał to salon fryzjerski (Ursynów), w którego ofercie znajdziecie wszelkiego rodzaju usługi związane ze strzyżeniem, koloryzacją, dekoloryzacją, fryzurami okolicznościowymi, regeneracją... Jest to komplek...